
Mit unse­rem Wis­sens-Hub schaf­fen wir einen Zugang zu zen­tra­lem Wis­sen und Res­sour­cen. Dadurch för­dern wir das Bewusst­sein für Impact Inves­t­ing und erleich­tern neu­en Investor:innen den Ein­stieg in die­ses Themenfeld. 

Hier fin­dest du Zugang zu zen­tra­len Wis­sens­platt­for­men sowie eine Samm­lung wich­ti­ger Stu­di­en, Berich­te und Analysen.

→ Wissensplattformen 

In an indus­try that is evol­ving as quick­ly as impact inves­t­ing, thought-pro­­vo­king opi­ni­on pie­ces and rese­arch are essen­ti­al. The Glo­bal Impact Inves­t­ing Net­work (GIIN) pro­vi­des Op-eds and publi­ca­ti­ons, along with Inves­tor Spot­lights, Invest­ment Pro­files, and third-par­­ty rese­arch from other lea­ding impact inves­t­ing organizations. 

Kon­zep­te Netz­werk Insti­tu­tio­nel­le Investoren Defi­ni­tio­nen

Toni­ic has the pur­po­se to build the field of impact inves­t­ing. The glo­bal com­mu­ni­ty of asset owners the­r­e­fo­re pro­vi­des resour­ces to inform and inspi­re all tho­se inte­res­ted in making a grea­ter impact.

Pri­vat­in­ves­to­ren Fami­ly Offices Netz­werk

The Euro­pean Ven­ture Phil­an­thro­phy Asso­cia­ti­on (EVPA) is a uni­que net­work at the inter­sec­tion of finan­ce and pur­po­se, dri­ven by know­ledge and focu­sed on impact. Here the asso­cia­ti­on is com­pi­ling rese­arch, data and expe­ri­en­ces to ensu­re the best pos­si­ble impact. 

For­schung Erfah­rungs­aus­tausch Euro­pa Netz­werk

The Impact Inves­t­ing Insti­tu­te was laun­ched in 2019 with a simp­le mis­si­on: to acce­le­ra­te the growth and impro­ve the effec­ti­ve­ness of the impact inves­t­ing mar­ket in the UK and inter­na­tio­nal­ly. The open-source lear­ning hub ser­ves the pur­po­se to increase know­ledge and skills when it comes to impact investing. 

Netz­werk Insti­tu­tio­nel­le Investoren UK Inter­na­tio­nal

Ver­ein für Umwelt­ma­nage­ment und Nach­hal­tig­keit in Finanz­in­sti­tu­ten e.V.


Das Netz­werk arbei­tet seit 25 Jah­ren dar­an, die struk­tu­rel­le Ver­an­ke­rung von Nach­hal­tig­keits­aspek­ten den Finanz­in­sti­tu­ten näher zu brin­gen. Die Media­thek stellt einen Über­blick über aktu­el­le und pra­xis­re­le­van­te Mate­ria­li­en (z.B. Arti­kel, Berich­te, Geset­ze, Regu­la­ri­en, Stu­di­en, Ver­an­stal­tungs­do­ku­men­ta­tio­nen, Web­i­na­re etc.) zum The­ma Nach­hal­tig­keit & Finanz­we­sen zusammen. 

Wis­sens­platt­form Finanz­in­sti­tu­te

→ Wich­ti­ge Stu­di­en, Berich­te und Analysen 

Forum Nach­hal­ti­ge Geld­an­la­gen (FNG)

Markt­be­richt Nach­hal­ti­ge Geld­an­la­gen (2023)

Der all­jähr­lich erschei­nen­de Markt­be­richt Nach­hal­ti­ge Geld­an­la­gen des Forum Nach­hal­ti­ge Geld­an­la­gen e.V. prä­sen­tiert die neu­es­ten Markt­zah­len und aktu­el­len Trends zu den Anla­ge­märk­ten in Deutsch­land und Öster­reich und ist seit 2005 die Refe­renz für Politiker:innen, Brancheninsider:innen, Wissenschaftler:innen und Journalist:innen.

  • #Markt­zah­len
  • #Nach­hal­ti­ge Geldanlagen

Ber­tels­mann Stiftung 

Poli­cy Brief: Wir­kungs­ma­nage­ment in impact-ori­en­­tier­­ten Start-ups (2023)

Start-ups kön­nen aus­schlag­ge­ben­de Trei­ber fort­schritt­li­cher Pro­duk­te, Dienst­lei­tun­gen und Pro­duk­ti­ons­pro­zes­se sein, wes­halb sie in der Nach­hal­tig­keits­trans­for­ma­ti­on eine gro­ße Rol­le spie­len. Gera­de aber wenn es um Impact Inves­t­ing geht, ste­hen eben die­se Start-ups und deren Investor:innen vor gro­ßen Her­aus­for­de­run­gen. Die­ser Poli­cy Brief zeigt auf, wie sowohl der Zugang als auch die Umset­zung von Wir­kungs­ma­nage­ment für Start-ups und Impactinvestor:innen ver­bes­sert wer­den kann.

  • #Start-ups
  • #Poli­cy Brief

World Eco­no­mic Forum 

Pri­va­te Mar­ket Impact Inves­t­ing: A Tur­ning Point (2023)

This White Paper explo­res the matu­ring Impact Fund Mar­ket, inclu­ding the increase of pro­duct offers, the acce­le­ra­ti­on of limi­t­ed part­ner demand, and the industry’s con­ver­gence of best prac­ti­ces and means of manage­ment and measurement. 

  • #Impact Fund Market
  • #Best Prac­ti­ces

Glo­bal Stee­ring Group for Impact Invest­ment (GSG)

Impact invest­ment per­spec­ti­ves and oppor­tu­ni­ties to sup­port the social agen­da (2023)

This brief input paper to the SFWG pre­pared by The Glo­bal Stee­ring Group (GSG) for Impact Invest­ment has the pur­po­se to dis­cuss the latest impact invest­ments figu­res and trends. 

  • #Impact Trans­pa­ren­cy
  • #Impact Finan­ce Vehicles

Pen­si­ons for Pur­po­se (PfP)

Impact Inves­t­ing in pri­va­te equi­­ty- a UK pen­si­on fund per­spec­ti­ve (2023)

U.K. pen­si­on funds view pri­va­te equi­ty inves­t­ing as the most effec­ti­ve way to achie­ve impact, but a nar­row focus on U.K. invest­ments and a limi­t­ed under­stan­ding of the importance of “addi­tio­na­li­ty” in impact stra­te­gies under­mi­ne over­all impact, accor­ding to a Pen­si­ons for Pur­po­se (PfP) stu­dy com­mis­sio­ned by asset mana­ger Colum­bia Thre­ad­need­le Investments.

  • #Pen­si­on Fund
  • #Pri­va­te Equity

The Glo­bal Stee­ring Group for Impact Invest­ment (GSG)

Dri­ving Impact Poli­cy Making (2022)

This GSG Action Gui­de intents to pro­vi­de prac­ti­cal tools for Net­her­lands Advi­so­ry Boards (NABs) focu­sing on desig­ning, advo­ca­ting, and influen­cing their govern­ments to imple­ment suc­cessful impact poli­cy strategies. 

The Glo­bal Impact Inves­t­ing Net­work (GIIN)

Gui­dance for Pur­suing Impact in Lis­ted Equi­ties (2022)

The GIIN released new gui­dance to help inves­tors achie­ve impact in public equi­ty invest­ments. Deve­lo­ped with input from over 100 inves­tors, Gui­dance for Pur­suing Impact in Lis­ted Equi­ties uses the GIIN’s Core Cha­rac­te­ristics of Impact Inves­t­ing to pro­vi­de base­line prac­ti­ces and expec­ta­ti­ons for asset mana­gers see­king to achie­ve posi­ti­ve impacts in lis­ted equities.

  • #Defi­ni­tio­nen
  • #Kon­zep­te

Euro­pean Ven­ture Phil­an­thro­py Asso­cia­ti­on (EVPA)

Acce­le­ra­ting Impact (2022)

The Euro­pean Impact Invest­ment Con­sor­ti­um, inclu­ding EVPA, GSG and seve­ral Euro­pean Natio­nal Advi­so­ry Board (NABs) plus sel­ec­ted aca­de­mic cen­tres, came tog­e­ther to crea­te this report and to bring some neces­sa­ry har­mo­ni­sa­ti­on in mar­ket defi­ni­ti­ons and sizing, and set the foun­da­ti­ons to be able to find answers. 

  • #Defi­ni­tio­nen
  • #Kon­zep­te

Forum Nach­hal­ti­ge Geld­an­la­gen (FNG)

FNG-Mark­t­­be­richt 2022 

Die zuneh­men­de Bedeu­tung von Impact Invest­ments für Investor*innen lässt sich an der dyna­mi­schen Markt­ent­wick­lung beob­ach­ten. Gera­de in den letz­ten Jah­ren ist das Volu­men von Impact Invest­ments stark gewachsen. 

  • #Defi­ni­tio­nen
  • #Kon­zep­te

The Glo­bal Impact Inves­t­ing Net­work (GIIN)

GIIN­SIGHT. Sizing the Impact Inves­t­ing mar­ket (2022)

This mar­ket sizing stu­dy ser­ves as an important indi­ca­tor of the momen­tum dri­ving impact inves­t­ing around the world. The results of this stu­dy should fill us with opti­mism and deter­mi­na­ti­on: opti­mism about the capa­ci­ty of the impact inves­t­ing mar­ket to enact posi­ti­ve chan­ge at meaningful sca­le, and deter­mi­na­ti­on to con­ti­nue to grow the uti­liza­ti­on of impact inves­t­ing as a cri­ti­cal stra­tegy to address the chal­lenges of our time.

  • #Markt­stu­die

Cor­po­ra­te Respon­si­bi­li­ty Inter­face Cen­ter (CRIC)

Impact Inves­t­ing – ein Neo­lo­gis­mus ohne Mehr­wert? (2022)

Der Dis­kus­si­ons­bei­trag Impact Inves­t­ing – ein Neo­lo­gis­mus ohne Mehr­wert? schließt an die aktu­el­le Debat­te über das Ver­ständ­nis von Impact Inves­t­ing an und ver­sucht eine Bestim­mung von Impact Inves­t­ing in Abgren­zung zu nach­hal­ti­gem Inves­tie­ren. Auf Basis einer begriffs­his­to­ri­schen Ana­ly­se wird dafür argu­men­tiert, dass nach­hal­ti­ges Inves­tie­ren bereits in sei­ner ori­gi­nä­ren Kon­zep­ti­on alle wir­kungs­be­zo­ge­nen Ele­men­te beinhal­te, die heu­te für das Impact Inves­t­ing als cha­rak­te­ris­tisch ange­se­hen werden. 

  • #Dis­kus­si­on

Net­her­lands Advi­so­ry Board (NAB)

Impact Report (2022)

The foun­da­ti­on Net­her­lands Advi­so­ry Board on impact inves­t­ing (NAB) is an inde­pen­dent, non-pro­­fit orga­ni­sa­ti­on that aims to acce­le­ra­te growth and impro­ve the effec­ti­ve­ness of the impact inves­t­ing mar­ket. This report is com­po­sed of the 2022 Impact Report as well as the 2022 NAB Finan­cial Statements. 

  • #Markt­stu­die

Jour­nal of Busi­ness Ethics

Spe­cial Issue Impact Inves­t­ing – Cri­ti­cal Exami­na­ti­ons of Moti­va­tions, Pro­ces­ses and Results (2022)

Impact inves­t­ing pro­vi­des finan­cial and non-finan­cial resour­ces to enter­pri­ses and invest­ment funds with the goal to gene­ra­te mea­sura­ble social and/​​or envi­ron­men­tal impact along­side a finan­cial return. This spe­cial issue of the Jour­nal of Busi­ness Ethics employs a busi­ness ethics lens to impact investing.

  • #Arti­kel

Euro­sif & Uni­ver­si­tät Hamburg 

White Paper: Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on Sche­me for Sus­tainable Invest­ments (2022)

The white paper cap­tures the trans­for­ma­ti­ve poten­ti­al of dif­fe­rent invest­ment approa­ches based on the idea of “inves­tor impact”. It is a first and important step towards deve­lo­ping a revi­sed clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on logic for future mar­ket studies.

  • #Inves­tor Impact
  • #Klas­si­fi­zie­rungs­lo­gik

Zivil­ge­sell­schaft in Zahlen 

Moni­tor Unter­neh­mens­ma­nage­ment (2022)

Wie enga­gie­ren sich Unter­neh­men 2021/22 eigent­lich und wel­che Rol­le spie­len die Sus­tainable Deve­lo­p­ment Goals (SDGs), Nach­hal­tig­keit und die nicht­fi­nan­zi­el­le Bericht­erstat­tung für sie? Das hat der Moni­tor Unter­neh­mens­en­ga­ge­ment mit den aktu­ells­ten Daten analysiert.

  • #SDGs
  • #Unter­neh­mens­ma­nage­ment

Net­her­lands Advi­so­ry Board (NAB)

Dutch pen­si­on funds impact invest­ments (2021–23)

In this docu­ment, you find some inspi­ring examp­les of impact invest­ments made by Dutch pen­si­on funds over the past 18 months. The report pres­ents publicly available infor­ma­ti­on about the pen­si­on funds, their asset mana­gers, and the fund(s) in which they have inves­ted. NAB also iden­ti­fied the impact stra­tegy of the pen­si­on fund, the SDGs addres­sed and the count­ries whe­re the invest­ments will be made. 

  • #Bericht

Social Entre­pre­neur­ship Netz­werk Deutsch­land e. V. (SEND)

4. Deut­scher Social Entre­pre­neur­ship Moni­tor (2021/2022)

In die­sem DSEM wer­den die größ­ten Her­aus­for­de­run­gen und Poten­zia­le des Öko­sys­tems zusam­men­ge­fasst. Das The­ma Finan­zie­rung bekommt hier beson­de­re Auf­merk­sam­keit und wird aus­gie­big beleuchtet. 

  • #Her­aus­for­de­run­gen
  • #Poten­zia­le
  • #Finan­zie­rung

Sprin­ger Link

Impact Invest­ments: a call for (re)orientation (2021)

Prac­ti­tio­ners and aca­de­mics have used various terms to descri­be invest­ments rela­ted to sus­taina­bi­li­ty. The latest infla­tio­na­ry term is “impact invest­ments” – invest­ments that focus on real chan­ge to sol­ve social chal­lenges and/​​or miti­ga­te eco­lo­gi­cal dama­ge. To pro­vi­de (re)orientation from an aca­de­mic per­spec­ti­ve, a new typo­lo­gy for sus­tainable invest­ments was deri­ved for this publi­ca­ti­on.

  • #Defi­ni­ti­on
  • #Neu­ori­en­tie­rung


Inves­t­ing for Impact. Case stu­dies across asset clas­ses (2021)

This report is aimed at the invest­ment com­mu­ni­ty and is inten­ded to help inves­tors gain an under­stan­ding of this emer­ging indus­try. Many inves­tors have begun to approach impact inves­t­ing by inves­t­ing in micro­fi­nan­ce in deve­lo­ping count­ries or com­mu­ni­ty deve­lo­p­ment pro­jects in the United States.

  • #Kon­zep­te

The Glo­bal Impact Inves­t­ing Net­work (GIIN)

Impact Inves­t­ing. A gui­de to this dyna­mic mar­ket (2021)

Inves­tors around the world are making impact invest­ments to mobi­li­ze more capi­tal to address urgent chal­lenges. The report pro­vi­des infor­ma­ti­on on the core cha­rac­te­ristics of impact inves­t­ing, who is making impact invest­ments, what results the­se invest­ments can achie­ve, and more.

  • #Wir­kungs-Mes­sung
  • #Wir­kungs-Manage­ment
  • #Bericht

Euro­pean Sus­tainable Invest­ment Forum (Euro­sif)

Report 2021. Fos­te­ring Inves­tor Impact (2021)

The ninth Euro­sif SRI report offers useful insights into the role that inves­tors can play on the path to sus­taina­bi­li­ty, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in light of cur­rent regu­la­to­ry and mar­ket developments.

  • #Defi­ni­tio­nen
  • #Kon­zep­te
  • #Wir­kungs-Mes­sung
  • #Wir­kungs-Manage­ment

The Orga­niza­ti­on for Eco­no­mic Co-ope­ra­­ti­on and Deve­lo­p­ment (OECD)

Social Impact Invest­ment (2019)

This publi­ca­ti­on is a sequel to the OECD 2015 report on Social Impact Invest­ment (SII), Buil­ding the Evi­dence Base, brin­ging new evi­dence on the role of SII in finan­cing sus­tainable deve­lo­p­ment. It depicts the sta­te of play of SII approa­ches glo­bal­ly, com­pa­ring regio­nal trends, and asses­ses its pro­s­pects, with a spe­cial focus on data issues and recent poli­cy developments. 

  • #Defi­ni­tio­nen
  • #Kon­zep­te

Inter­na­tio­nal Finan­ce Cor­po­ra­ti­on (IFC)

Crea­ting Impact ‑The Pro­mi­se of Impact Inves­t­ing (2019)

Inves­tors’ appe­ti­te for impact investing—in which they seek to gene­ra­te posi­ti­ve impact for socie­ty along­side strong finan­cial returns—could total as much as $26 tril­li­on, accor­ding to the report Crea­ting Impact: The Pro­mi­se of Impact Investing.

  • #Markt­stu­die