In an industry that is evolving as quickly as impact investing, thought-provoking opinion pieces and research are essential. The Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) provides Op-eds and publications, along with Investor Spotlights, Investment Profiles, and third-party research from other leading impact investing organizations.
Mit unserem Wissens-Hub schaffen wir einen Zugang zu zentralem Wissen und Ressourcen. Dadurch fördern wir das Bewusstsein für Impact Investing und erleichtern neuen Investor:innen den Einstieg in dieses Themenfeld.
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→ Wissensplattformen
Toniic has the purpose to build the field of impact investing. The global community of asset owners therefore provides resources to inform and inspire all those interested in making a greater impact.
The Impact Management Platform is a collaboration between sustainability standards and guidance leaders coordinating their efforts to establish the practice of impact management.
The European Venture Philanthrophy Association (EVPA) is a unique network at the intersection of finance and purpose, driven by knowledge and focused on impact. Here the association is compiling research, data and experiences to ensure the best possible impact.
The Impact Investing Institute was launched in 2019 with a simple mission: to accelerate the growth and improve the effectiveness of the impact investing market in the UK and internationally. The open-source learning hub serves the purpose to increase knowledge and skills when it comes to impact investing.
Das Netzwerk arbeitet seit 25 Jahren daran, die strukturelle Verankerung von Nachhaltigkeitsaspekten den Finanzinstituten näher zu bringen. Die Mediathek stellt einen Überblick über aktuelle und praxisrelevante Materialien (z.B. Artikel, Berichte, Gesetze, Regularien, Studien, Veranstaltungsdokumentationen, Webinare etc.) zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit & Finanzwesen zusammen.
→ Wichtige Studien, Berichte und Analysen
Marktbericht Nachhaltige Geldanlagen (2023)
Der alljährlich erscheinende Marktbericht Nachhaltige Geldanlagen des Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen e.V. präsentiert die neuesten Marktzahlen und aktuellen Trends zu den Anlagemärkten in Deutschland und Österreich und ist seit 2005 die Referenz für Politiker:innen, Brancheninsider:innen, Wissenschaftler:innen und Journalist:innen.
Policy Brief: Wirkungsmanagement in impact-orientierten Start-ups (2023)
Start-ups können ausschlaggebende Treiber fortschrittlicher Produkte, Dienstleitungen und Produktionsprozesse sein, weshalb sie in der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation eine große Rolle spielen. Gerade aber wenn es um Impact Investing geht, stehen eben diese Start-ups und deren Investor:innen vor großen Herausforderungen. Dieser Policy Brief zeigt auf, wie sowohl der Zugang als auch die Umsetzung von Wirkungsmanagement für Start-ups und Impactinvestor:innen verbessert werden kann.
Private Market Impact Investing: A Turning Point (2023)
This White Paper explores the maturing Impact Fund Market, including the increase of product offers, the acceleration of limited partner demand, and the industry’s convergence of best practices and means of management and measurement.
Impact investment perspectives and opportunities to support the social agenda (2023)
This brief input paper to the SFWG prepared by The Global Steering Group (GSG) for Impact Investment has the purpose to discuss the latest impact investments figures and trends.
Impact Investing in private equity- a UK pension fund perspective (2023)
U.K. pension funds view private equity investing as the most effective way to achieve impact, but a narrow focus on U.K. investments and a limited understanding of the importance of “additionality” in impact strategies undermine overall impact, according to a Pensions for Purpose (PfP) study commissioned by asset manager Columbia Threadneedle Investments.
Impact Investing Handbook (2022)
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors has published the “Impact Investing Handbook: An Implementation Guide for Practitioners” – 180 pages to help asset owners implement their interest in impact investing.
Driving Impact Policy Making (2022)
This GSG Action Guide intents to provide practical tools for Netherlands Advisory Boards (NABs) focusing on designing, advocating, and influencing their governments to implement successful impact policy strategies.
Guidance for Pursuing Impact in Listed Equities (2022)
The GIIN released new guidance to help investors achieve impact in public equity investments. Developed with input from over 100 investors, Guidance for Pursuing Impact in Listed Equities uses the GIIN’s Core Characteristics of Impact Investing to provide baseline practices and expectations for asset managers seeking to achieve positive impacts in listed equities.
Accelerating Impact (2022)
The European Impact Investment Consortium, including EVPA, GSG and several European National Advisory Board (NABs) plus selected academic centres, came together to create this report and to bring some necessary harmonisation in market definitions and sizing, and set the foundations to be able to find answers.
FNG-Marktbericht 2022
Die zunehmende Bedeutung von Impact Investments für Investor*innen lässt sich an der dynamischen Marktentwicklung beobachten. Gerade in den letzten Jahren ist das Volumen von Impact Investments stark gewachsen.
GIINSIGHT. Sizing the Impact Investing market (2022)
This market sizing study serves as an important indicator of the momentum driving impact investing around the world. The results of this study should fill us with optimism and determination: optimism about the capacity of the impact investing market to enact positive change at meaningful scale, and determination to continue to grow the utilization of impact investing as a critical strategy to address the challenges of our time.
Impact Investing – ein Neologismus ohne Mehrwert? (2022)
Der Diskussionsbeitrag Impact Investing – ein Neologismus ohne Mehrwert? schließt an die aktuelle Debatte über das Verständnis von Impact Investing an und versucht eine Bestimmung von Impact Investing in Abgrenzung zu nachhaltigem Investieren. Auf Basis einer begriffshistorischen Analyse wird dafür argumentiert, dass nachhaltiges Investieren bereits in seiner originären Konzeption alle wirkungsbezogenen Elemente beinhalte, die heute für das Impact Investing als charakteristisch angesehen werden.
Impact Report (2022)
The foundation Netherlands Advisory Board on impact investing (NAB) is an independent, non-profit organisation that aims to accelerate growth and improve the effectiveness of the impact investing market. This report is composed of the 2022 Impact Report as well as the 2022 NAB Financial Statements.
Special Issue Impact Investing – Critical Examinations of Motivations, Processes and Results (2022)
Impact investing provides financial and non-financial resources to enterprises and investment funds with the goal to generate measurable social and/or environmental impact alongside a financial return. This special issue of the Journal of Business Ethics employs a business ethics lens to impact investing.
White Paper: Classification Scheme for Sustainable Investments (2022)
The white paper captures the transformative potential of different investment approaches based on the idea of “investor impact”. It is a first and important step towards developing a revised classification logic for future market studies.
Monitor Unternehmensmanagement (2022)
Wie engagieren sich Unternehmen 2021/22 eigentlich und welche Rolle spielen die Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Nachhaltigkeit und die nichtfinanzielle Berichterstattung für sie? Das hat der Monitor Unternehmensengagement mit den aktuellsten Daten analysiert.
Dutch pension funds impact investments (2021–23)
In this document, you find some inspiring examples of impact investments made by Dutch pension funds over the past 18 months. The report presents publicly available information about the pension funds, their asset managers, and the fund(s) in which they have invested. NAB also identified the impact strategy of the pension fund, the SDGs addressed and the countries where the investments will be made.
4. Deutscher Social Entrepreneurship Monitor (2021/2022)
In diesem DSEM werden die größten Herausforderungen und Potenziale des Ökosystems zusammengefasst. Das Thema Finanzierung bekommt hier besondere Aufmerksamkeit und wird ausgiebig beleuchtet.
Impact Investments: a call for (re)orientation (2021)
Practitioners and academics have used various terms to describe investments related to sustainability. The latest inflationary term is “impact investments” – investments that focus on real change to solve social challenges and/or mitigate ecological damage. To provide (re)orientation from an academic perspective, a new typology for sustainable investments was derived for this publication.
Investing for Impact. Case studies across asset classes (2021)
This report is aimed at the investment community and is intended to help investors gain an understanding of this emerging industry. Many investors have begun to approach impact investing by investing in microfinance in developing countries or community development projects in the United States.
Impact Investing. A guide to this dynamic market (2021)
Investors around the world are making impact investments to mobilize more capital to address urgent challenges. The report provides information on the core characteristics of impact investing, who is making impact investments, what results these investments can achieve, and more.
Report 2021. Fostering Investor Impact (2021)
The ninth Eurosif SRI report offers useful insights into the role that investors can play on the path to sustainability, particularly in light of current regulatory and market developments.
Social Impact Investment (2019)
This publication is a sequel to the OECD 2015 report on Social Impact Investment (SII), Building the Evidence Base, bringing new evidence on the role of SII in financing sustainable development. It depicts the state of play of SII approaches globally, comparing regional trends, and assesses its prospects, with a special focus on data issues and recent policy developments.
Creating Impact ‑The Promise of Impact Investing (2019)
Investors’ appetite for impact investing—in which they seek to generate positive impact for society alongside strong financial returns—could total as much as $26 trillion, according to the report Creating Impact: The Promise of Impact Investing.
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