
As the Fede­ral Initia­ti­ve for Impact Inves­t­ing (BIII), we pur­sue the visi­on of rege­ne­ra­ti­ve inves­t­ing and eco­no­mic acti­vi­ty that respects both eco­lo­gi­cal limits and social stan­dards. We see impact inves­t­ing as a key instru­ment to achie­ve this and the­r­e­fo­re pro­mo­te the signi­fi­cant real­lo­ca­ti­on and mobi­li­sa­ti­on of capi­tal towards impact investing.

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The­re are curr­ent­ly no appoint­ments planned.



SVM Ver­wal­tungs­ge­sell­schaft mbH 


We work to pro­mo­te awa­re­ness of impact inves­t­ing and to estab­lish a new atti­tu­de in the busi­ness and finan­cial world. We actively build know­ledge and skills rela­ted to impact inves­t­ing to advan­ce the sec­tor and to pre­vent impact washing. We are also com­mit­ted to forming alli­ances and streng­thening net­works to crea­te powerful part­ner­ships. At the same time, we are com­mit­ted to crea­ting legal, poli­ti­cal and socie­tal frame­works that are con­du­ci­ve to impact investing. 

As a mul­ti-stake­hol­der initia­ti­ve, we focus on pri­va­te and insti­tu­tio­nal inves­tors as well as on inter­me­dia­ries, such as fami­ly offices, foun­da­ti­ons, pri­va­te inves­tors, asset mana­gers, insu­rance com­pa­nies and banks, as the­se are the actors that play a cru­cial role in the allo­ca­ti­on and mobi­liza­ti­on of capi­tal for impact inves­t­ing. We tail­or our acti­vi­ties towards the spe­ci­fic needs and chal­lenges of the­se actors to sup­port them in rea­li­zing impact investments.