Expert Forum Adapt­a­ti­on and Miti­ga­ti­on Finance

The Socie­tal Impact Finan­cing Initia­ti­ve (Sci­Fi) at ESMT busi­ness school in Ber­lin orga­ni­zes the Expert Forum Adapt­a­ti­on and Miti­ga­ti­on Finan­ce. With sup­port from the Bill and Melin­da Gates Foun­da­ti­on, our event brings tog­e­ther lea­ding inter­na­tio­nal cli­ma­te finan­ce scho­lars, poli­cy stake­hol­ders, inves­tors, deve­lo­p­ment finan­ce insti­tu­ti­ons and foun­da­ti­ons. The Expert Forum Adapt­a­ti­on and Miti­ga­ti­on Finan­ce takes place just one day pri­or to the World Bank con­fe­rence on Cli­ma­te Finan­ce, Innovate4Climate, which takes place in Ber­lin this year. 
If you would like to attend plea­se regis­ter here.