Hogan Lovells Start-up Sum­mit 2023

An inspi­ring work­shop on tech4impact took place at Hogan Lovells Start-up Sum­mit 2023 in Ber­lin on 25th May, 2023! Four BIII mem­bers – Rene Wien­holtz from LOOM IMPACTAli­ce Hohen­lo­he and Toba Spie­gel from Trill ImpactBernd Klos­ter­k­em­per from Anan­da Impact Ven­tures and Zoé Con­stan­tin, CFA from IMPACT Part­ners – dis­cus­sed the poten­ti­al and limi­ta­ti­ons of invest­ments in tech to crea­te impact.

Some of the main fin­dings were:
- Tech4Impact is not only cli­ma­te or green tech but also health tech, ed tech, social tech,…
- Tech­no­lo­gy, be it soft­ware or hard­ware, is an important part of impact VCs
- The importance of ven­ture debt will increase
- Tech­no­lo­gi­cal inno­va­tions are not neces­s­a­ri­ly the best solu­ti­on for all chal­lenges of our time.