IPR Quar­ter­ly Brie­fing: Glo­bal cli­ma­te poli­cy deve­lo­p­ments – Quar­ter 2

In the second of the IPR/PRI Quar­ter­ly Brie­fing series for 2024, expert panel­lists will assess the latest deve­lo­p­ments in cli­ma­te poli­cy during the quar­ter. Ener­gy, tran­si­ti­on, land use and natu­re pro­gress will be explo­red against the flag­ship IPR 1.8C Fore­cast Poli­cy Sce­na­rio (FPS). A spe­cial report from Kaya Part­ners will also be laun­ched, loo­king ahead to four major issues that will have a pro­found effect on emis­si­ons inclu­ding: post-elec­tion com­po­si­ti­on of the US exe­cu­ti­ve, pro­tec­tion­ism, Chi­na and decar­bo­niza­ti­on, incor­po­ra­ting car­bon con­tent in inter­na­tio­nal trade & big agri­cul­tu­re ver­sus cli­ma­te solutions.