The brand new discussion paper of the BIII Working Group “Frontier and Emerging Markets” (WG FEM) aims to shed light on the compelling reasons to invest in FEM. It is discussed why and how impact investing in FEM represents a promising way to simultaneously generate market-adequate financial returns and impact. The attention is turned to the vast potential involved, while also covering the specific risks.
Sharing the insights of BIII and WG FEM – a consortium of seasoned experts with a proven track record and deep market knowledge – this paper endeavors to initiate a comprehensive discourse among the investment community regarding the transformative potential of impact investing in FEM.
Find here the discussion paper and here the interview with Dr.-Ing. Natalia Realpe Carrillo, CEO at HEDERA Sustainable Solutions and Dr. Julian Frede, Co-Founder and Managing Director of the evolutiq Impact Advisory, both part of the BIII Working Group “Frontier and Emerging Markets” (WG FEM).