Posi­ti­on paper #03 / Impact Due Dili­gence Prin­ci­ples, Eng­lish version

The posi­ti­on paper “Impact Due Dili­gence Prin­ci­ples” of the Bun­des­in­itia­ti­ve Impact Inves­t­ing pro­vi­des impact inves­tors and inves­tees with a frame­work for the incre­asing­ly important impact due dili­gence. The prin­ci­ples app­ly throug­hout the enti­re invest­ment pro­cess and across all asset clas­ses. The paper was deve­lo­ped within a pro­ject group of the Working Group on Impact Mea­su­re­ment and Manage­ment, based on com­pre­hen­si­ve lite­ra­tu­re rese­arch and a peer review pro­cess invol­ving a dozen experts and mem­bers of the working group.

The posi­ti­on paper is also available in a short ver­si­on here.
