We invest in organizations, that combine financial returns with measurable positive impacts. The impact has to be a core value within the organization, focussing on social or environmental impact or even combining both. We invest in radical positive innovation, we invest in social entrepreneurs, we invest in purpose driven founders.
Type of organization
Privatinvestor:in (inkl. Business Angel, (U)HNWI)
Asset classes
Investment volume (individual investment)
0-25 Mio
Investment regions (Europe)
Westeuropa, Südeuropa, Osteuropa, Nordeuropa
Investment regions (Worldwide)
Nordamerika, Südasien, Sub-Sahara Afrika, Ostasien & Pazifik, Zentralasien
Areas of action
Ernährung, Gesundheit, Armutsbekämpfung, Finanzielle Inklusion, saubere Energie, Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften, Klimaschutz, Schutz von Ökosystemen und Biodiversität
Sustainable Development Goals
Patrick Knodel (Geschäftsführer), patrick.knodel@innovationforimpact.de;
Ingrid Eberspächer (Assistenz), eberspaecher@pandion.de
Sitz der Organisation