dis­cus­sion paper #02 Why Impact Inves­t­ing in Fron­tier & Emer­ging Markets?

The dis­cus­sion paper of the BIII Working Group “Fron­tier and Emer­ging Mar­kets” (WG FEM) aims to shed light on the com­pel­ling reasons to invest in FEM. It is dis­cus­sed why and how impact inves­t­ing in FEM repres­ents a pro­mi­sing way to simul­ta­neous­ly gene­ra­te mar­ket-ade­qua­te finan­cial returns and impact. The atten­ti­on is tur­ned to the vast poten­ti­al invol­ved, while also cove­ring the spe­ci­fic risks.

Sha­ring the insights of BIII and WG FEM – a con­sor­ti­um of sea­so­ned experts with a pro­ven track record and deep mar­ket know­ledge – this paper endea­vors to initia­te a com­pre­hen­si­ve dis­cour­se among the invest­ment com­mu­ni­ty regar­ding the trans­for­ma­ti­ve poten­ti­al of impact inves­t­ing in FEM.
