Impact Entre­pre­neur­ship Forum

Wel­co­me to the second Impact Entre­pre­neur­ship Forum by Impact Hub Ber­lin – a gathe­ring meti­cu­lous­ly desi­gned to igni­te col­la­bo­ra­ti­on & innovation.

You’ll find yours­elf among thought-lea­ders dri­ving chan­ge at the nexus of busi­ness and sus­taina­bi­li­ty. Enga­ge in an invi­go­ra­ting pro­gram­me that seam­less­ly blends inspi­ra­ti­on with actionable insights. Rub should­ers with like-min­ded peers, glean wis­dom from top-tier experts, and co-crea­te with poten­ti­al col­la­bo­ra­tors who can pro­pel your sus­taina­bi­li­ty efforts to new heights.

And the best part: this is invi­te only. So you know you are always in good com­pa­ny – the com­pa­ny of changemakers!